Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sat. Night - March, 24th, 2012 - "Foe Destroyer!" at the Crystal Pistol. - 417 North Main Street, Tulsa, Ok. 74103 -

Sat. Night - March, 24th, 2012 - "Foe Destroyer!" at the Crystal Pistol. - 417 North Main Street, Tulsa, Ok. 74103 -

"Foe Destroyer!" played all of there songs from there Soon To Be Released Self-Titled Debut Album: "Foe Destroyer!"

"Foe Destroyer!" is signed to "Ground Up Records" ( - - -  ) -

"Foe Destroyer!" is Danny Garcia: Drums, Guitar, Eukalali and - Chris McQueen: Drums, Guitar, Eukalali - Danny and Chris are from Austin and Denton, Tx. Respectively!

"Foe Destroyer!" recently performed at the SXSW music conference where they played at four stages: Darwins Pub, Kickbutt Coffee, The Thirsty Nickel and Touche' in Austin, Tx. ( All 6th Street, Heart of the Action! Keep Austin Wierd! ) -

Now the really clever thing about "Foe Destroyer!" is that Danny and Chris switch up on playing Drums AND, Guitar AND, Eukalali on several different songs during there show! Very Talented and Highly Innovative!

( And as a side note : Danny is friends with Skrillex via Twitter! Now, How 'Bout That! ) -

tags: garage minimalist rock thrash groovy guitar solo harmony vocals keyboards sweet drums Austin

- ( Tulsa Music Scene - ) - Allen Niine - -

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